Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sabyns first day of pre-school!!!

I cannot believe that Sabyn is starting school! Man where does the time go?? Did you happen to notice that she is wearing two different outfits?? Well folks that would be because of her crazy mother, Tanaca.... Yes that's right the picture with the red t shirt would be our first try at preschool, meaning she didn't really start that week!!! I was off by one week!!!! We quickly realized this when we pulled up to school and no one was there! LOVELY! Our second go round was much better!


shaylee burr said...

haha that is sooo funny! thats totally something i would do. good job tan:)

Tawnya said...

heheheehe that's hilarious! She is super adorable and that bag rocks!

amy k said...

Tanaca, you crack me up! Saben is so cute though!

Lindsey said...

Oh Tan I just love you! How cool that she got a first day of school outfit twice! She looks adorable in both outfits! And I love her bag! Did you Martha it up?

LedkinsFamily said...

Wow! She reminds me of leandra and becky in that picture I never really thought she looked like our side of the family but in that photo she does. She is a doll.
I'm not surprised you were a week off. It's okay I thought halloween was this week and it's not for two more weeks! Must be the last name????